Transport Trail

Transport Trail

Whether you're yet to experience or have already enjoyed 'Are we nearly there yet? A history of transport', go on a journey to find transport related objects in the permanent galleries.

Take the free Transport Trail around the museum and hunt for nine more transport-themed objects on display.



Transport Trail Map

HMS Endeavour

HMS Endeavour

HMS Endeavour
(Object 1 of 9)

This is a model of HMS Endeavour, which was commanded by Captain Cook on his first voyage to the Pacific in the 1700s. The model was created in the early 1900s.

The ship travelled to Tahiti, Australia, and New Zealand between 1768 and 1771. These lands were completely unknown to people in Britain at the time.

The ship is a bark: a type of large, flat-bottomed cargo vessel which was small enough to be maintained by her crew without the need for a dry dock. A dry dock is a dock which can be drained of water to allow for repairs to be conducted on a ship's hull.



(Object 2 of 9)

This photograph shows a Siberian sledge dog called Czigane, who was one of the 33 dogs taken to the Antarctic in 1910-1913 as part of the expedition led by Captain Scott.

The now infamous expedition aimed to be the first to reach the geographical South Pole, but a Norwegian party led by Roald Amundsen beat them by several weeks, and several members of Scott's party did not survive.

The dogs were exposed to incredibly harsh conditions as they pulled sledges on the expedition. Several dogs, including Czigane, became ill during the expedition.

You can find out more about Czigane here:

Qamutik (sled)

Qamutik (sled)

Qamutik (sled)
(Object 3 of 9)

This model of a sled being pulled by dogs was made in Canada by the Inuit people of Nunavut. On the sled is a man who wears clothing made from seal skin.

Using dogsleds allowed hunters to travel long distances on the ice in search of game such as polar bears. Today, the snowmobile has largely replaced the dogsled, but the practice is still kept alive by some communities.

A qamutik is a traditional sled made by Inuit communities which is designed to be lightweight and easily manoeuvrable. It is made without nails or pins, making it more durable in the harsh and cold climates inhabited by the Inuit peoples.

You can find out more about this sled here:

Sedan chair

Sedan chair

Sedan chair
(Object 4 of 9)

Sedan chairs were once a popular mode of transport but very few examples survive in Britain today. They experienced the height of their popularity in the mid-1700s, during the reign of George II.

A sedan chair typically only holds one person. The passenger sits inside the box, which is then lifted and carried by two other people. Two poles attached to either side of the box allowed it to be lifted.

Sedan chairs had the advantage of being much smaller than carriages, allowing them to fit down narrow streets which were otherwise only accessible on foot. The wealthy residents of fashionable cities like Bath and Brighton would have been able to hire sedan chairs just like modern taxis.

You can read more about the sedan chair here:

Penny farthing

Penny farthing

Penny farthing
(Object 5 of 9)

The penny farthing is an early type of bicycle. Its name comes from people comparing its shape to a large penny coin next to a smaller farthing.

Penny farthings were popular in the 1880s as the large front wheel allowed the cyclist to travel further and also provided greater shock absorption.
They became obsolete in the late 1880s following the invention of the modern bicycle, which was easier to mount and dismount and less likely to tip over.

One hazard of riding a penny farthing was that if the wheel struck a rock, the cyclist could be thrown over the handlebars. However, they were mostly very durable and required little maintenance.

You can read more about the penny farthing here:

Equestrian portrait of William Stephens

Equestrian portrait of William Stephens

Equestrian portrait of William Stephens
(Object 6 of 9)

This portrait, painted in 1836, shows the successful coach proprietor William Stephens riding a horse. Stephens had a varied career as an innkeeper, a coach driver, and a supplier of horses throughout South Dorset and Devon.

Later in his career he faced growing competition from the emergence of the railway. The first public railway utilising only steam locomotives was built in 1830 and railways continued to spread across the country throughout the 1830s and 40s.

Before railways, long distance horse-drawn stagecoaches were the most popular method of public transport. Stagecoaches could only carry a small number of passengers with minimal baggage, so railway services which could accommodate far more people and were much faster gained popularity very quickly.

You can read more about this portrait here:

Dead Calm – Sunset at the Bight of Exmouth

Dead Calm – Sunset at the Bight of Exmouth

Dead Calm – Sunset at the Bight of Exmouth
(Object 7 of 9)

Painted by Francis Danby in 1855, this painting shows the developing world of transportation in the mid-Victorian era. In the foreground we see the older wooden ships which used wind power to travel. One of the boats is on fire, perhaps signalling the end of this era of sailing as new iron and steel steam powered ships were being built.

The central tower in the background was part of Isambard Kingdom Brunel's atmospheric railway project, which aimed to propel trains with atmospheric pressure rather than steam power. This project was ultimately short-lived, but its presence in the painting represents the new railways spreading across Britain and the innovation of modern transportation.

Danby had a successful career as a painter and spent the last years of his life living in Exmouth, where he died in 1861.

You can read more about this painting here:

Model of Exeter before 1769

Model of Exeter before 1769

Model of Exeter before 1769
(Object 8 of 9)

This model – known as the Hedgeland model of Exeter – is one of the earliest surviving models of any town in Britain. It is named after the man who made it: Caleb Hedgeland.

It was constructed between 1817 and 1824 and records the city as it was during the late 1700s.

Made almost entirely of wood, it is incredibly detailed and provides historians with a valuable insight into what the city would have looked like two hundred and fifty years ago. As the city has expanded and developed over the centuries, to serve the ever-changing needs of its residents, some areas have changed dramatically but can you spot any familiar landmarks?

You can read more about the Hedgeland model of Exeter here:

Carriage parasols

Carriage parasols

Carriage parasols
(Object 9 of 9)

These parasols were used during carriage rides and were generally smaller than those used for walking. Many carriage parasols had handles that could fold, so that they could easily shade the face.

They are often highly decorated and come in a wide variety of patterns and colours. They functioned not just to shield the skin from sunlight, but also as a fashionable accessory.

As carriage parasols were not very large, manufacturers often used very high-quality fabric and lace when producing them. Some parasols were even displayed at the 1851 Great Exhibition.

You can read more about these parasols by following these two links:

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My Transport Trail Notes

Transport Trail

Transport Trail

Whether you're yet to experience or have already enjoyed 'Are we nearly there yet? A history of transport', go on a journey to find transport related objects in the permanent galleries.

Take the free Transport Trail around the museum and hunt for nine more transport-themed objects on display.

Whether you're yet to experience or have already enjoyed 'Are we nearly there yet? A history of transport', go on a journey to find transport related objects in the permanent galleries.

Take the free Transport Trail around the museum and hunt for nine more transport-themed objects on display.

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